We are proud to announce our school has been selected to participate in the General Practitioner (GP) in Schools as part of the Queensland Government’s Student Wellbeing Package.
Clinic hours
Our school’s GP clinic will be open every Wednesday during school the term, between
8.40 am-2.40 pm.
How to book an appointment
You can make an appointment to see the GP via the following options:
Email GP@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au or
In person through the Student Service Officers @ K Block or
Via a Guidance Officer referral
Our preferred booking method is via email, using the link above. You can even just copy and paste the statement below to request your appointment.
'I would like to make a booking with the GP please.'
We do not need any details regarding the reason for your appointment. Your confidentiality is important to us. Once your email has been received, a reply will be sent outlining your next steps. It is important you continue to check your emails and follow the instructions to confirm your booking.