Qlearn is the department's digital learning management system for staff and student learning.
QLearn is a simple, engaging and reliable learning ecosystem that can support every student and learner, at every stage of their learning journey. QLearn is an online ecosystem underpinned by the Canvas Learning Management System to create and manage courses and assessments, for all Department of Education staff and students.
Staff and students can access QLearn website using the link : qlearn.eq.edu.au
Alternately, for mobile/tablet devices, the Canvas app can be download and used (see attached PDF)
Qlearn App on Tablets.pdf
Students can access their email at Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Office 365 Student Advantage
All state school students from Prep to Year 12 can now download multiple free copies of the Microsoft Office 2016 Suite to their personal home and mobile computer equipment.
To install Microsoft Office 2016, visit the
Education Queensland website for information on downloading and installing Office 2016. Students are to ensure they are using their school username and password.
Social Media Channels
Visit the Woodridge State High School Facebook page.
Rationale to Woodridge State High School's Facebook Page
- Facebook is an easily accessible and widely used form of social media, with more than 11.23 million Australians having an active Facebook account; many of our community members access Facebook on a daily basis.
- More than 81% of Facebook's users are aged between 18 and 64 years of age, enabling the school to actively engage with parents and past students.
- Facebook is an online platform which can be accessed via mobile devices and does not require a computer and so can be used for communicating information to our community: teachers, students and parents/carers.
- Facebook can be updated daily to share events, notices and to celebrate success and achievements of our students.
- Overall, Facebook allows a convenient and effective form of communication between our school and school community.
Please access our
Facebook Info-Statement for guidelines when interacting with Woodridge State High School's Facebook page.
Visit the Woodridge State High School Instagram account.
Rationale to Woodridge State High School's Instagram account
- Instagram has more than 9 million Australian's having an active Instagram account.
- More than 90% of Instagram's users are aged between 18 and 34 years of age enabling the school to actively engage with parents and past students.
- Instagram is an online platform which can be accessed via mobile devices and does not require a computer and so can be used for communicating information to our community.
- Instagram is a great forum to showcase the very best of our campus and surrounds.
- Instagram provides a great opportunity to promote what's happening on campus.
- Using hashtags maximises the visibility and searchability for account holders to easily find content from our school. Examples: #qldstateschools #woodridgestatehigh #woodridgestatehighschool #woodridgeshs
- Overall, Instagram allows a convenient and effective form of communication between our school and school community.