Enrolment process
Follow this step by step guide to secure your child’s place at Woodridge State High School.
1. Confirm you are in our catchment area
Only those students living within the Woodridge State High School catchment or have a sibling that currently attends can apply. The student must live within the catchment area.
Potential families are required to demonstrate that the student's principal address is within the school's local catchment at enrolment.
2. Fill out an enrolment application form
Please contact the school office on (07) 3290 7222 to discuss our enrolment requirements or click the link Student Enrolment Application.
Alternatively, enrolment forms can be downloaded here.
Download enrolment forms and stationery lists
3. Additional documents required to enrol your child include
Evidence of identity e.g. birth certificate or a current passport, if not born in Australia.
Copy of your child's Medicare Card.
Copy of your child's Australian Citizen Certificate, if you have become an Australian citizen within the last five years.
Copy of your child's most recent academic report card and NAPLAN results from their current school.
Proof of address e.g. rental agreement, rates notice, power/electricity bill, Centrelink letter, etc.
Please note that all paperwork must be received prior to an enrolment interview booking. Completed applications are required to be submitted in person to the school Enrolments Officer.
4. After the Enrolment paperwork is completed and returned
Once all application documents have been submitted to the Enrolments
Officer, you will be invited to attend an enrolment interview. This enrolment interview should take around 30 minutes.