Our school is at the forefront of community leadership, addressing the needs of a multi-layered and diverse community through advocacy, educational, professional and social networks and services. As a school we value the education of students to make informed choices about themselves, their future, and the world around them.
Woodridge State High School staff make a difference – from the teaching staff who challenge and support our students to the support staff who create and maintain a positive working and learning environment.
Woodridge State High School employs over 190 people in teaching, administration,
ICT, building and grounds, catering and cleaning. All staff play a
valuable role to enable the school to deliver our vision: Empowered, Resilient... World Changing!
Woodridge State High School takes pride in of the highly qualified teaching staff it attracts and retains. New staff undertake comprehensive induction and professional
mentoring, with ongoing professional learning opportunities.
The school is committed to the wellbeing and safety of students in our care.
| JANECEK Kathleen | principal@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au |
Deputy Principal | WALMSLEY Andrew | DeputyPrincipal@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au |
Deputy Principal
| LANDBECK Megan | DeputyPrincipal@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal | LYNCH Megan
| DeputyPrincipal@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal
| SCUTT Kylie
| DeputyPrincipal@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Business Manager
| BYRNE Andrew
| bsm@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Link and Launch Manager
| WILLIAMS Margaret
| linkandlaunch@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Office Manager | PIETERS Jade
| bsm@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Marketing & Events Officer
| LEGGATT Meaghan | marketing@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au |
Industry Liaison Officer
| DENCHER Tianna
| ilo@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Community Liaison Officer
| LAVELL Megan
| community@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Guidance Officers
| THRIFT Danae FAHEY Andy KRILETICH Edward | GuidanceOfficer@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
ATSI Community Education Counsellor
| AHSEE Aunty Bron
| CEC@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
ATSI Community Education Counsellor
| ELWORTHY Aunty Marj
| CEC@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Year 7 Head of Department Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture (SPEC HOD)
| PIANCA Jarryd
| Year_7_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Year 8 Head of Department Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture (SPEC HOD)
| MacRae Kathryn | Year_8_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au |
Year 9 Head of Department Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture (SPEC HOD)
| PALMER Crystal | Year_9_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au |
Year 10 Head of Department Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture (SPEC HOD)
| SMITH Alex
| Year_10_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
Year 11 & 12 Head of Department Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture (SPEC HOD)
| TURNER Nikki
| Year_11_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au Year_12_HOD@woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au
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