Contact information
Telephone: (07)
3290 7222
Physical address
323 Wembley Road
Woodridge Qld 4114
Postal address
PO Box 417
Woodridge Qld 4114
Student absences
When your child is absent please contact the school on the day of the absence.
The following information will be required:
- name of student
- year level
- reason for being away
- when they will return
Student absences: (07) 3290 7260
SMS: 0429 272 049
Complaints and Grievances
Click here
Other contact information
Student IT support:
There is up to a 24 hour turnaround time on remote support.
Bulkairi Space: (07) 3290 7273
Tuckshop: (07) 3290 7208
Uniform Shop: 0415 633 055
All staff contact directory
2025 Staff Contact List.
If you have a general concern regarding your student, please call their Head of Year Coordinator or HOD SPEC and if the concern is related to a subject, please contact the relevant Head of Department (HOD).
Staff absences: (07) 3290 7270
Office hours
The school office is open between 8am and 4pm
National relay service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the
National Relay Service (NRS) External link. This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.