Students in Years 11 and 12 will follow the advice and instructions provided by their school about continuing in their subject studies.
Students may also choose to undertake extra learning to enhance their class work. It is not a compulsory for students to do this.
A list of online resources about a range of senior subjects provides opportunities for students to enrich their learning is available.
Students can choose from these links to deepen their knowledge and understanding, in line with resources that their school will provide. They will need to consider where they are up to in their units of study, and choose links relevant to their class work.
Parents and carers can support students in their senior studies by checking in on where they are in completing tasks set by the school. They can also assist by supporting students to complete any assignments.
Addition information about senior subjects is available from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority website.
Parents can support their senior secondary students stay on track with their learning by checking in regularly and reflecting on their progress.
Future pathways
The Senior school encompasses Years 10, 11 and 12 and prepares students for their chosen future pathways.
Year 10 is a transition year where prior skills are consolidated and students develop the independent learning skills required for the final two years of school and future study or employment.
Years 11 and 12 comprise a two-year course which forms the basis for students to proceed into further education, industry or employment.
Students may select General Applied or Vocational subjects in combinations which are designed to maximise their opportunities to achieve qualifications including the following:
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- Vocational Education certificate qualifications (VET)
- School-based Traineeships (SBT) or Apprenticeships
- Structured work placement
- Studies at other institutions such as TAFE or outside Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) replaced the Overall Position (OP) in 2020 as the standard pathway to tertiary study for Queensland Year 12s.
Key features include of the system include:
- new and redeveloped QCAA senior syllabuses
- external assessment in most senior subjects
- new quality assurance processes to strengthen the quality and comparability of school-based assessment
- changes to QCE eligibility requirements
- the introduction of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
The Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) has a webpage dedicated to brochures and fact sheets containing all of the relevant information
The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) also has a webpage dedicated to the ATAR. It includes a white paper about inter-subject scaling amongst other resources.
Authority subjects currently offered at Woodridge State High School are:
- Accounting
- Ancient History
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Drama in Practice
- Engineering
- English
- English as an Additional Language
- Film, Television & New Media
- Food & Nutrition
- Furnishing Skills
- Hospitality
- Information and Communication Technology
- Industrial Graphics Skills
- Industrial Technology Skills
- Legal Studies
- Mathematics
- Essential Mathematics
- General Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods
- Specialist Mathematics
- Media Arts in Practice
- Modern History
- Music
- Music in Practice
- Phychology
- Physics
- Science in Practice
- Social and Community Studies
- Sport and Recreation
- Tourism
- Visual Art
- Visual Art in Practice
Authority-registered subjects have a more practical orientation than authority subjects, and may also allow students to attain concurrent TAFE qualifications.
Subjects currently offered:
Certificate III Business
Certificate I in Construction
Certificate II in Engineering
Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate II Hospitality
Certificate III in Music Industry