How to enrol
General enrolment process (Years 8 to 12)
- Step 1 – Complete the online enrolment enquiry form.
Step 2 – Once this form is processed, parents/carers will be contacted to discuss enrolment requirements and the application for student enrolment. Alternatively, enrolment forms can be downloaded below.
Step 3 – The below documentation must be returned along with the application form.
Step 4 – Parents and students must attend an enrolment interview. Interviews will be made via the administration office once all enrolment paperwork has been returned.
All other enrolling year levels will receive a full induction on their first day of attendance in 2025.
Year 7 General enrolment process
Enrolment forms and documents
All enrolment paperwork must be completed prior to enrolment interview booking.
All supporting documentation must be provided with the enrolment application.
Additional information to read prior to enrolment:
The school is located near the
Woodridge train station. This convenient travel option is commonly used by our staff and students.
Bus transport to Woodridge State High School is operated by
Clarks Logan City Bus Service and
Mature age state schools
The list of mature age state schools can be found at
Information on who is an eligible mature age applicant can be found in the Mature age student applications procedure.
Should you wish to enrol as a mature age student at Woodridge State High School, you should first discuss the rules and conditions of your enrolment with the principal. If you have previously been excluded from that school, you may not be eligible to apply. Please contact our office to make an appointment on 3290 7222 or
If you are an eligible mature age applicant, your enrolment at a mature age state school is subject to:
- a criminal history check
- how many years of enrolment you have already had in a school
- the subject availability and capacity of the mature age school.
A person is not considered a prospective mature age student where they:
- turn 18 years of age while at a Queensland or interstate school and are a continuing student
- were previously enrolled in a state school or non-state school in Queensland or interstate; and
- on the last day of enrolment they were under 18 years of age; and
- the period between their last day of attendance at their previous school and the proposed first day of attendance at the state school is not more than 12 months (which may need to be verified with previous school).
- hold a student visa (certified copy of visa is required).