Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Art
Studying dance develops creativity, confidence, critical thinking, self-discipline, physical health and team work. Dance exists in many styles and forms such as Hip-Hop, Indigenous, Classical, Salsa, etc. At WSHS, Dance provides opportunities for students to explore and express themselves through active engagement in dance works.
Drama offers students opportunities to enjoy the creative process and be empowered to explore socially relevant issues through the devising, performing and responding to live theatre. Studying drama will challenge students to be more empathetic citizens as they explore different perspectives through a variety of dramatic styles and forms. As a subject it plays an integral part in teaching listening, communication and confidence building. These skills become invaluable in later life.
Media studies
Media studies empowers us to question, design and shape our world. This subject offers students opportunities to engage with technologies in the production of media. Students will have opportunities to work with and manipulate different techniques in media such as producing, filming, editing, etc.
Music provides students with opportunities to discover, experience, understand and express themselves. Through Music students can uncover their interests and identity and create alongside other like minds. This subject offers students opportunities to enjoy the creative process and be empowered to explore diverse forms and styles of music. Students will have opportunities to compose, perform and analyse music as they engage with a variety of instruments and music technologies.
Visual Arts
Visual Art offers students opportunities to enjoy the creative process and extend their artistic abilities. Students will have opportunities to work with and manipulate different styles and forms of visual artistic expressions. Visual Art also encourages self-exploration and self-expression, and increases students' personal enjoyment of working with a variety of art making techniques. Visual Arts students develop creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and empathy.
By request and negotiation, teachers of all Arts subjects regularly make themselves available for rehearsals or assistance in art project work.
For students seeking music extension, they can take advantage of the opportunity to participate in music tutorials on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons during interschool sport time.
Students can similarly extend their music education by participating in our instrumental music program for the reasonable sum of $40. Students can select from percussion, wind instruments or string instruments.
Subjects offered for junior and senior students
Year level
| Subjects offered
Year 7 and 8
| - 1 semester: Visual Art, Drama, Music, Dance or Media
- Junior Music Academy (audition only)
Year 9
| Semester Electives
- Drama
- Media
- Music
- Visual Art
- Dance
Year 10
| - Drama
- Media
- Music
- Visual Art
- Dance (as of 2026)
Year 11
| - Drama in Practice
- Media Arts in Practice
- Music in Practice
- Visual Art in Practice
- Cer III Music Industry Studies (audition only)
- Visual Art (General)
- Film, TV and New Media
- Music (General)
Year 12
| - Drama in Practice
- Media Arts in Practice
- Music in Practice (as of 2026)
- Cert III Music Industry Studies (audition only)
- Visual Art (General)
- Visual Art in Practice
- Drama
- Film, TV and New Media
- General Music
The Arts faculty is very supportive of students showcasing their talents. We participate in a range of competitions and extracurricular activities each year such as, but not limited to:
- Scene Project
- Art Waves
- Festival of the Arts
- Anzac Day March
For additional information contact:
Arts Head of Department: